Frequently Asked Questions

Why universal polling?

A central medium for polling allows governments, businesses, and organizations to gather data and insights from a diverse range of people, leading to better decision-making. Unlike traditional polling methods, universal polling includes individuals from all backgrounds, including those who have been historically excluded. This ensures individuals from all backgrounds are fairly represented.

When a diverse group of people is polled, the results are likely to reflect the true opinions of the population as a whole, avoiding biased or skewed results. Universal polling is more efficient and flexible, given it can all be completed on your own time, from your phone, in a matter of minutes.

Why is recruiting for research important?

As you can tell, we are passionate about accuracy and inclusivity at Reach Out. Providing research institutes a medium to attract a more diverse crowd of potential participants for research is critical to the accuracy and ensuring the target population is fairly represented in results. Each individual has a valuable story to lend to science or market research.

Some of the questions asked are sensitive. Is my personal data protected?

One of our top priorities at Reach Out is security and privacy for all users. We value the personal data you trust enough to share with us, which is used for research purposes. We use blockchain technology, making it difficult for anybody to steal or alter your data.

When I vote in polls, can you see my name or contact information?

Your name and contact information are NEVER shared in polling results. Each poll is anonymous and only your demographic data provided is analyzed.